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Inova vs. Paychex

Learn how Inova outshines Paychex with tailored pricing, seamless payroll processing, and comprehensive HR tools. Our exceptional customer service and advanced technology set us apart, making us the top choice for payroll solutions.

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It’s really a no brainer

Why You Should Choose Inova Over Paychex

Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing Another Provider Other Than Inova
Questions to Ask Yourself

When Considering Paychex

Paychex has filled gaps in its HCM portfolio through partners and acquisitions, which has led to a bolt-on approach behind the scenes. For example, changes made in the Time module do not automatically flow through to other modules.
Paychex’s average customer size is 16 employees; Paychex’s primary target market is less than 100 employees.
Paychex’s dedicated account reps provide support (in theory), but there are many reports of lengthy wait times and a lack of follow-up from supervisors. Paychex will point to their dedicated rep service model as a plus, but there are many examples of customers unhappy about their support experience.
lets compare

HR Features

Inova Paychex
Single-Database HCM Solution YES NO
Software Partners & Integration Tools YES NO, weak integrations
Highly Scalable & Flexible Solution YES NO
Powerful Reporting & Analytics YES NO, cross-module reporting not possible
Dedicated Customer Support Contact YES NO, long response times with no follow-up
Unlimited Training at No Additional Cost YES NO
Offers HR Outsourcing YES YES
Offers Group Benefits & Administration YES YES
Questions to ask

When Choosing A Payroll Provider

A payroll provider is a company that assists businesses in processing employee payrolls, managing taxes, ensuring accurate and timely employee payments, and aiding with tax forms and regulatory compliance.

A suitable payroll provider for a growing company should be able to handle an increasing number of employees, offer scalable service plans, ensure ongoing compliance with complex tax laws, integrate with other business systems, provide detailed reporting, and support payroll across multiple locations. This adaptability ensures that as your business expands, your payroll processes remain efficient and compliant.
The cost of payroll services varies, typically starting from $20-$50 per month plus a per-employee fee, with prices increasing for additional features like HR support. Exact costs depend on employee numbers, payroll complexity, and service scope, with potential extra charges for setup and year-end filings.
To determine if a payroll provider understands the needs of your industry, assess their experience with similar businesses, their ability to handle industry-specific regulations, and their track record of compliance and adaptability to unique payroll requirements.
When selecting a payroll provider, check if their system supports integrations with your existing business software, such as accounting, HR, and time tracking applications, to ensure seamless data flow and process efficiency.